We heard you again! Many of you who came to our exceptional first event have been harassing our most excellent and wonderful Board President Steve Smolinsky (yup, that’s me) about when we’re going to do it again. And there have also been those comments from those of you who were elsewhere that day and later found out you’d made a Big Mistake by not being at this event.
So…we’ve prevailed upon Francis Trzeciak, the world renowned chef and owner of the Birchrunville Store Café to do it again. Not only that, we’ve even managed to twist the arm (actually, it didn’t take much) of our favorite international sommelier and wine expert, Marnie Old, to pour again. Wow! So, grab your calendar and immediately write in that you will be at the Café at 5 p.m. on April 25.
Just like last year, no particular program other than lots of great food passing by for you to grab while holding a glass of fine wine in the other hand and yakking it up with spectacularly interesting people. Marnie will share some wine lore as she pours…and you’ll walk away with an autographed edition of her latest book Wine Secrets. (One per couple since we are trying to make a few bucks, but since we’re so nice singletons can have their own.) All this for a paltry $145 per person. Why, Marnie’s autograph alone is worth that much.
We actually already have nine people committed to come and four more that are searching for their calendars. It’s amazing! So don’t wait to call or email Bernadette (610-935-0300 x12 or bernadette@camphillkimberton.org) to make your reservation. We can only fit 50. And remember, the only thing you might wind up with for dinner if you miss out is stale beer and soggy soft pretzels left over from your Super Bowl party.
-- Steven Smolinsky, Board President
PS: Last year no one got around to sponsoring this exceptional event for reasons we can’t understand. You get to pay a modest fee and have your name splashed across the electrons in front of thousands. And…you get to support us. But, we are persistent so we figured we’d try again.
For a mere $500, you get to attend and we’ll drink a toast to your generous spirit and name an oardoor after you and let you talk to us all about whatever you want for 1.35 minutes.
For a mere $1,000, you get all of the above plus you get to bring a friend and have two oardoors named after you and get to talk for 2.27 minutes.
For a mere $2000, you get all of the above and Steve will take you and your friend out to dinner at the Birchrunville Café and supply all the wine. The catch is…Steve is there with you. But you do get to talk for 3.11 minutes.
And best of all, for a mere $3,000, you get the $2,000 package and can tell Steve to stay home. And you get to talk for 3.79 minutes.