Thursday, March 21, 2013

5th Annual Wine and Dine Talkfest at Birchrunville Cafe - April 7

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills 5th Annual Talkfest!

Sunday April 7 at 5 pm

Announcement the Third

Holy Cow! Talkfest 5 is rapidly approaching. Luckily we have lots of registrations but We Are Not Sold Out Yet! I can’t believe it. You responded to the First Announcement and the Second Announcement…but not enough. Get off your butt and register now by calling Bernadette, 610-935-8660, or emailing her,, right now.  She is sitting by the phone staring at her computer just waiting to hear from you.  

And don’t forget you know lots of people who might not be getting these announcements. They are not going to be happy if you forget to invite them…and then share your fantastic experience at Talkfest 5. Our great sponsor Tonbo Visual Communications is preparing an exceptional little gizmo that is all by itself going to give you unbelievable delight. So you really need to be there April 7, 5:10 until 7:57 when, as you know, Francis goes berserk.

Speaking of Francis, as always Talkfest rambles on at the World Famous Birchrunville Store Café where Master Chef Francis Trzeciack will send you over the edge with his spectacular spoonfuls of succulent delight…generally called Food Of The Gods Oardoors.  It’s all to support us, Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, the most amazing intentional community including people with developmental disabilities.


Just this very minute while in the middle of writing this missive…it happened. Phoenixville Federal Bank & Trust became our second sponsor. WOW! We are well on our way to having the best Talkfest ever with two such great sponsors -- Tonbo Visual Communications and Phoenixville Federal Bank & Trust …and, with an amazing collection of people who have already registered. We are now well past half full so don’t wait to sign up. Standing spots are going fast.

Here is it Talkfest 5. Totally mindboggling. Who knew my little attempt to raise a few bucks would become a yearly global event? I did everything I could do to never do it again. After all it is a lot of work! A whole lot of work. A ridiculously huge amount of work. Yes, this is a subtle way of saying that in return for all this work I expect to see you there. What the heck…make me happy. Call Bernadette, 610-935-8660, or email her, and register and make me…and yourself…happy! Your mind and body…and mine…will thank you.

We only have 50 spots…well, actually something like 22 or 23 left…for exceptional people such as you who care so much about supporting the oh so worthy cause of Camphill Village Kimberton Hills. And remember, there is absolutely no boring PowerPoint presentation, no collection of people saying a few words, no asking for money…well, except here I guess, and, best of all, I will not deliver a speech!

We are definitely going to be full. Reserve your spot so you’re not disappointed and have to stay home with cold hot dogs, mushy french fries, flat soda, and only the television to talk to. Block out the day in all your calendars and then immediately email your reservation to our exceptional registration taker Bernadette Kovaleski,, or call her, 610-935-8660. Or both.

And then, simply show up.  We provide:
  • Stupendously spectacular people
  • Delicious drink to lubricate deep thoughts
  • Personally made and delivered to your fingers oardoors from the mind of Chef Francis Trzeciack
  • And NO…that’s No…program to interfere with your brain expanding evening

The ridiculously low donation? $159.73 per person. Yikes! Such a tiny amount to support such a great place as Camphill Village Kimberton Hills.

Steve Smolinsky, Board President

5th Annual Talkfest, April 7, 5:10-7:57, Birchrunville Store Café, $159.73 per person
Be there! You’ll have a great time while supporting an exceptional place.
Support our Sponsors…Ask About Becoming A Sponsor

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Camphill Kimberton's 5th Annual Talkfest at the Birchrunville Store Cafe

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills 5th Annual Talkfest!

Sunday April 7 at 5 pm

Announcement the Second

I am just beside myself with excitement about the response to our first announcement about Talkfest 5.  Not only does it look like we will have another great sponsor to join Tonbo Visual Promotions, our first great sponsor, but we received a bunch of reservations. It seems that people have been wandering around in desperation waiting for us to announce the date…April 7, and time…5:10 until 7:57 when, as you know, they throw us out.

As always Talkfest speaks on at the World Famous Birchruville Store Café where Master Chef FrancisTrzeciak will delight your senses with his oh so wonderful morsels of succulence…sometimes called never ending and ever changing oardoors. It’s all to support us, Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, the most amazing intentional community including people with developmental disabilities.

It still flabbergasts me that this is Talkfest 5. When I got harassed into doing this the first time I figured it would be a tiny thing that raised a few bucks while people had a wonderful time yakking it up with all the other interesting people there…and that would be that. I could go back to my house in the woods and be left alone again.

But no…you all had such a good time that I was dragged back to put on Talkfest 2…and 3…and 4…and now, 5. I had crazy people…you?...calling at all hours asking when Talkfest 5 was coming. Alright already, here it is. So call Bernadette, 610-935-8660, or email her, and register and leave me alone! But do come. Your mind and body will thank you.

Speaking of mind and body, did I remind you yet about the unbelievable oardoors? How about the exceptional organic wines…and after its great reception last year, perhaps a bit of another more potent plant juice…cactus pressings. And who knows what other wild and crazy organic liquid I might come up with to liven things up. But no, in spite of numerous requests I will not dance on the bar.

And then, the conversation. The Café will be filled with the most interesting people, each and every one of them just waiting to share their thoughts with you. It’s not often you get to talk to such a lively group of world travelers, homebodies, authors, executives, farmers, business owners, cheese makers, media stars, walkers, loggers, bug collectors, horseback riders, and even hermits!..all in one place.

We only have 50 spots for exceptional people such as you who care so much about supporting the so worthy cause of Camphill Village Kimberton Hills. I mention support here because, as you probably remember, the most exceptional thing about Talkfest is…there is no program! None! Nada!

We promise you absolutely no horrible PowerPoint presentation, no never-ending speeches, no asking for money…well, except here I guess.

Just a collection of the most interesting people ever assembled creating their own exceptional event. All of whom know why they’re there so will certainly remember that Talkfest is to support (could this be a subtle hint? Probably not since I would never do that) Camphill Village Kimberton Hills. Support meaning raise money…in case I’ve been too subtle up ‘til now.

Yes, we are definitely going to fill up all 50 spots so to ensure you’re not disappointed, block out the day in all your calendars and then immediately email your reservation to our most wonderful Bernadette Kovaleski,, or call her, 610-935-8660. Or both.

We make it easy for you. Simply show up.  We do the rest by providing:
  • Unbelievably interesting people to share ideas with
  • Superb wine to facilitate deep thoughts
  • Universe Class unending oardoors from the fingers of Chef Francis Trzeciak
  • And NO…that’s No…program at all to interfere with your conversations

The ridiculously low donation? $159.73 per person. Unbelievable! Such a small amount to support such a great place as Camphill Village Kimberton Hills.

Steve Smolinsky, President, Board of Directors
Camphill Village Kimberton Hills

5th Annual Talkfest, April 7, 5:10-7:57, Birchrunville Store Café, $159.73 per person
Be there! You’ll have a great time while supporting an exceptional place.
Support our Sponsors…Ask About Becoming A Sponsor