Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Poem inspired by the Kimberton Hills Weavery

Many thanks to our friend, Karen Izzi, for this beautiful poem:

Late afternoon I visit the weavery at Kimberton Hills
A last bit of sun peeks through the window sheer.
Caught in awe at the works of art left on the looms
The entire room creeks and echoes
As my body passes over old hardwood.

I cannot help but sense the energy in this room
Colors brightly project the meaning of things
And rush a chill, even on this humid evening.

Projects left undone, waiting for tomorrow
Wool draped over crystal door knobs and work benches sit uninhibited.
Thin denim strips dangle and colorful thread longs to be decided upon.
Lonely whites and naturals stay on their shelf, quiet.
I pass my fingers over them.

Knitting needles abandoned for suppertime dishes
Now rest in a ceramic cup.
I notice hand woven baskets holding bits of yarn and fabric
Offering them a safe place to rest.

Quite a nice break in the day, for me
As I pay respect to the artists that work here.

 © Karen Izzi, PhD 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

ARRGGGH... in celebration of International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Each year thanks to the generosity of the Anderson Family, who donates their vacation home, and the support of the Morrie Huston Villager Activity Fund, two groups of villagers and coworkers from Camphill Village Kimberton Hills take a Village Vacation to the Outer Banks in September.

While they are there, a popular spot is the Jolly Roger restaurant - which is of course, pirate-themed.


In the last two years, the group has also visited the Nags Head Fire Department where the pirate fun sometimes continues.

There have also been many trips to the aquarium, ferry rides, days on the beach and other adventures.  Research confirms that vacations relieve stress, increase productivity at work and improve health and relationships.  Everyone deserves some rest and relaxation, including people with developmental disabilities, and Morrie was deeply committed to nurturing these experiences.   If you'd like to learn more about The Morrie Huston Villager Activity Fund, which helps provide these great experiences for our villagers, please click here.  Thank you!

Monday, September 16, 2013

A quick look at a biodynamic farm in the UK

London-based food bloggers HEMSLEY + HEMSLEY stop in the High Weald of Sussex, a natural area of beauty and home to one of the UK's few biodynamic farms -- Brambletye Fruit Farm and Orchard Eggs -- and speak with former Camphill Kimberton coworker, Ellie.

Learn more about Camphill Kimberton's biodynamic garden at http://www.camphillkimberton.org/sankanac-usa/.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Wasted food is hurting environment

Around the world, we waste 1.43 billion tons of food — one third of what we produce. A report from the Food and Agriculture Organization which came out on Wednesday has determined that food waste is creating billions of tons of greenhouse gases, and costing us water and land. "According to the FAO, each year, we lose a volume of water equivalent to the annual flow of Russia's Volga River in all the food we throw away," says NPR reporter Eliza Barclay.

The full article can be found here: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/09/11/221153037/wasted-food-around-the-world-takes-heavy-toll-on-environment

What can we do about it?

Camphill Kimberton has been helping to combat this issue by picking up some of that waste from three local stores and composting much of what would otherwise be in landfills.  We also separate the food items from the packaging and recycle it.

Have a suggestion or want to share how you cut down on food waste?  Share it in the comments.  To learn more about Camphill Kimberton's sustainability efforts, please visit http://www.camphillkimberton.org/sustainability/.