Monday, December 13, 2010

Your contribution matters. Make an investment in Kimberton Hills.

When you consider your charitable giving for this year, we hope you will experience the joy of helping others. Whatever and wherever you give, you need to know that your gift is supporting something that matters.

Kimberton Hills matters. We do extraordinary work for extraordinarily little money. We provide a home and meaningful work for people who do not have the capacity to live on their own. We do this with uncommon care and attention, while at the same time making it possible for everyone in Kimberton Hills to be doing things that help the wider world, whether by example, by products, or by actions.

If Kimberton Hills only produced biodynamic food for 100 families beyond its land, or only was a leader in land preservation and sustainable living, it would be worth supporting. If it only provided a welcoming place for concerts, plays, lectures, and meetings, it would be valuable. Yet Kimberton Hills manages to do this while also incorporating adults with significant disabilities in nearly all aspects of our work.

This village shines as it cares for one another and the community at large, as it promotes local, organic, biodynamic food, holds wonderful events in Rose Hall, and welcomes people in many ways – as volunteers, customers, audiences, and neighbors. We understand that it is important to carefully steward what we have been blessed with – the people, the land, the animals, and your gifts. We value what we have and are grateful for the belief that people have in our mission.

Kimberton Hills’ annual budget depends on charitable gifts for nearly a fourth of its total. Our substantial efforts to keep costs down and quality high have yielded an overall budget that is less than last year’s and makes our cost per person with disabilities 1/5 – 1/3 of usual costs. Yet, a recent study evaluating the quality of life for people with disabilities found that Kimberton Hills is exceptionally high.

All of our efforts are needed to make this community continue to be the model and valuable endeavor that it is. We ask you to give generously this year, and sincerely thank you for your support!

To make your secure online donation, click here
Thank you!  Happy Holidays!

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