Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Camphill Cafe announces expanded hours

The Camphill Cafe announces new expanded hours!
Starting this week: 10 am to 2 pm, Wednesday-Saturday
June-August: 10 am to 2 pm, Tuesday-Saturday

Join us for a local and organic lunch, mostly vegetarian, but always delicious!

This week's special is: Jason's Black Bean Burritos with enchilada sauce and cheese. The soup of the week is: root vegetables with coconut milk, basil, lemon and ginger.

In the meantime, check out this great review about the Camphill Cafe on Eat Local Philly:  http://eatlocalphilly.com/2010/10/27/camphill-village-cafe/

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills presents Astral Artists concert - January 30

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills presents a free concert on Monday, January 30, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.

Operatic performers Jonathan Beyer, baritone and Kristin Okerlund, piano, from Astral Artists, an organization that guides and promotes the nation’s most extraordinary emerging classical musicians, will offer an evening of music in Kimberton Hills’ Rose Hall. 

Astral Artists is a non-profit organization whose mission is to discover the most promising classical musicians residing in the United States, assist their early professional career development and present their world-class artistry to the community through concerts and outreach programs.  Camphill Kimberton is pleased to once again host these gifted musicians.  

Reviews of Jonathan Beyer include:

“The audience found its treat in a young, fresh-faced baritone named Jonathan Beyer. The 27-year-old appeared natural, plowing through an ambitious program. Beyer’s voice is big and virile. He produced tones evenly throughout the registers, showing no strain when pushing high and loud.”  -- The Washington Post

“Baritone Jonathan Beyer (Papageno) was the substantial voice that carried the piece. He brought proportion and context to difficult writing and maturity to his stagecraft. His Papageno was a model of articulation, but also of nuanced singing. An able comedian, he was musically arresting and brightly funny, his timing in both boosting the opera’s impact.” – Broad Street Review, Philadelphia

There is no charge for the concert, which is underwritten by the generosity of the Phoenixville Community Health Foundation.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Several Phone Lines Out of Service

Several phone lines at Camphill Kimberton are currently out of service.  Should you need to reach someone, please call the Development office at 610-935-8660 and your call will be directed or the message will be passed on. Thank you for your patience.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills hosts Fiber Arts Workshops

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills announces several fiber arts workshops to be held in the winter and early spring of 2012.

• Nuno Felting, learn to use silk and wool to create unique handmade scarves. 
Saturday, January 21, 9 a.m. to noon
$50 in advance – strongly recommended as workshop space is limited
$60 day of, no guarantee if workshop is full
Materials included.

• Spinning with a Drop Spindle, learn to spin your own yarn
Saturday, March 10, 9 a.m. to noon
$50 in advance – strongly recommended as workshop space is limited
$60 day of, no guarantee if workshop is full
Includes wool and your own drop spindle.

• Beginning Spinning with a Wheel, learn to card with hand and drum carders and spin and ply wool using a spinning wheel
Saturday, March 24, 9 a.m. to noon
$45 in advance
$50 day of
$80 both spinning workshops in advance

• Beginning Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom, learn to warp a loom and weave a scarf
Saturdays, April 14 and 28, 9 a.m. to noon
$120 in advance
Materials included. 

For further information and to reserve a place, please call Felicity at 610-935-0350.  All workshops are held in the Fiber Arts Workshop, Kepler Building, Camphill Village Kimberton Hills.  Camphill Village Kimberton Hills is located at 1601 Pughtown Road, Kimberton, PA.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bring and Buy is coming back!

We've got news - the "Bring and Buy" is coming back! For those who might not know, the Bring and Buy was a lovely thrift shop that we had years ago in the space that is now the new Camphill Cafe.  Stay tuned for more updates. We hope to open in February!

In the meantime, we are looking for donations of natural fiber clothing, household goods, toys and books. Please drop off items, during normal business hours, at the side door of Kepler. For a receipt for your donations, please contact Bernadette at bernadette@camphillkimberton.org.  Thank you!