Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Talkfest Wrap Up

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills 4th Annual Talkfest…

A Great Success Thanks To You

And A Really, Really, Really Early Announcement For Talkfest 5!

I am so pleased to report that everyone had a spectacular time at the Birchrunville Store Café munching away on fantastic and neverending oardoors…people actually complained they ate too much!...while washing them down with wonderful organic wines and having amazingly interesting conversations.  What more can you ask for?

Well, there was that organic Tequila that showed up unexpectedly....  Then there was the way Aditi Roy strolled in with such an engaging manner and low key style for such a Big Television Personality. And quite a few people had never been to the Café before and took home menus to remind them to make a reservation to return as soon as possible.

All in all, a great time was had by all.  And we raised a bit of money to support Camphill Village Kimberton Hills.  Not only did almost all the registration fee go to support our place, but a number of you sent in donations even though you weren’t able to attend.  That is just so nice.  Bernadette is no doubt writing away at thank you notes or perhaps they’re already winding their way through the postal system as they head towards your mailbox.

Then there are the people who registered and never got there.  We feel so sorry for you. On the other hand, that did leave more for the rest of us…

Quite a few people asked when we’re doing it again.  They don’t seem to realize how much stress it places on Bernadette and myself.  We aggravate, we worry, we plot, and we have to drink hundreds of bottles of wine to find those few that meet the high standards required by Talkfest.  Then this year there were the dozens of bottles of Tequila we had to drink.

Luckily we can completely ignore the oardoors knowing that Francis will take care of that in his usual magnificent way.

And then there are all the people that complain we picked a day they couldn’t come due to some other thing going on. I have no idea why a vacation in Paris, a family reunion, a business trip, or getting married can possibly be more important that Talkfest…but, apparently some people feel this way.

Since Bernadette is so tired of hearing this, we decided to give you an entire year notice about the next one.  Well, a year less a few days, depending on when you read this.  Unfortunately we are not totally sure about this date so you might just want to keep every Sunday evening of April 2013 clear until we get it finalized.  But…April 28, 2013 is looking good.

Same excellent event: No, I repeat NO Program. Just great food and wine with the best conversation possible provided by the most interesting people around.

And, no, we are not going to do a Talkfest in the fall…unless one of you forks over a nice sponsorship in which case we are willing to have our arms twisted. The Café is available October 21….

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