Training and providing work for a crew of around 10 people, including “villagers”, or residents with developmental disabilities.
Making sure that a herd of 25 to 35 lactating cows are milked twice every day. Doing the milking of those cows 2-3 mornings per week and 1-3 afternoons per week, and overseeing the rest of the milkings.
Managing the health, feeding, and well-being of a herd of 35-40 organically certified dairy cows and 45-50 heifers of various ages, as well as 3-4 bulls.
Managing, breeding, and culling of those animals as needed, and all associated vet calls, record keeping, and supplies purchased.
Bringing cull cows or steers to the butcher. Marketing meat for beef share purchases.
Marketing our milk. Managing all associated communications, billing, and record keeping.
Managing the supply of plastic bottles, lids, and labels for such milk, and overseeing the
bottling/delivery process, and sanitation procedures.
Maintaining milk licenses, certifications, and associated reports.
Maintaining and repairing 5 tractors, assorted trucks and farm equipment. Repairing and replacing equipment as needed.
Maintenance and repair of two barns and numerous sheds and out buildings.
Managing approximately 210 acres of pastures and fields for the feeding of the dairy livestock.
Managing all aspects of the dairy budget.
Managing the health and safety needs of dairy workers and village residents and visitors in connection with the dairy, and the food safety of our products.
Keeping the farmstead, dairy barn, and milk house in good order.
Making and using biodynamic preparations, attending weekly Land Association meetings, and collaborating with other village workshops.
If interested, please contact us at 610‐935‐3963 or email at
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