Monday, March 10, 2014

It's March! Can you help Camphill Kimberton?

Who ends their fiscal year in March?

Most people don’t, but we do!

We tend to do a lot of things differently.

But it must be working.

We are healthy.
We are thriving.
We are happy.

But unfortunately, this year, we are a little bit short.

We still need to meet our Village Support Fund goal. The Village Support Fund is Kimberton Hills' annual operating money. It pays for all the things we need throughout the year: groceries, toilet paper, roof repairs, labels for our herb garden, paper for the office printers – all the things we need to keep our village going. It makes up about 25% of our operating budget.

To close the gap in our Village Support Fund, we need to raise $25,000 in 25 days.

That’s by March 31.

Why are we short, you might ask?  There are a few reasons why including:
  • less funds were raised via special events than we were expecting
  • some grant decisions have not been made yet, and some grant applications were not accepted 
  • some donors supported designated special funds, in lieu of giving undesignated operating support
Approximately ½ of Camphill Kimberton’s operating income is generated by fees (villager family support), ¼ comes from the sale of goods, services and rentals (craft shop sales, Rose Hall rentals, etc.), and we rely on approximately ¼ of our income to come from charitable contributions.

Kimberton Hills has always been a careful steward of donated funds.  This year has been a difficult one and so we are asking - will you help us close the gap?  
To make your tax-deductible contribution to Camphill Kimberton, please click here, or send your gift to CVKH Development Office, P.O. Box 1045, Kimberton, PA 19442. 

Thank you!

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