Monday, April 7, 2014

Composting as a Free Deed, a talk by Bruno Follador on April 26

Join us on Saturday, April 26, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in Rose Hall for "Composting as a Free Deed" with Bruno Follador.

Bruno Follador was born in Brazil. He is a biodynamic researcher and has been working with biodynamic composting methods for several years with farmers and organizations in Brazil, Europe and the United States. Bruno is a geographer and received his training in Biodynamic gardening at the Pfeiffer Center, in NY. For three years he was one of the researchers and consultants of the Ludolf Andreas Lab, at Andreashof, a biodynamic farm in Germany, where he worked with compost and chromatography. At the moment, he lives between Brazil and the U.S. where he continues to work with chromatography and composting.

Bruno’s talk will take its start from a passage from Dr. Ita Wegman’s essay The Mystery of the Earth, 1929:
"Nature is becoming a mirror of chaotic human behavior, as is evident in catastrophes and anomalies; we perceive them in nature's mirror without recognizing them as our own reflection."

He will address such questions as, How can we develop a living, practical, and personal relationship with compost and soil fertility that goes beyond a mindset of waste management and yields? How does our way of seeing, thinking, and speaking contribute to creating our agricultural reality? Is there a relationship between soil erosion and social conflicts? And within this context: Could it be possible to start seeing the compost pile as an outer expression of our way of thinking and relating to Nature? Can compost begin to show itself as the outer expression of the inner gesture of the gardener and farmer?

Suggested donation: $15.00 at the door

Questions? Sherry Wildfeuer: 610-935-0302

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills is located at 1601 Pughtown Road, Kimberton, Pa.  Many GPS systems have trouble finding the location; please use Google maps for directions.

The mission at Camphill Kimberton is to create and maintain a land-based community together with adults with special needs.  Inspired by Anthroposophy, members of the community support one another to contribute to the wider society through biodynamic agriculture, handcrafts, and other ecological, social, cultural and educational endeavors.

For more information on our community, visit

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